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Will he at some point in the future trot out the hoary old chestnut about just following orders. Probably wont have to as they seem to be going out of their way to forgive him as we speak.
This doesn’t mean he’s likely to be walking the streets anytime soon, or ever. Depending on how Norway works, this may even mean he’s far less likely to ever be free.
Anna, I agree with everything you said here, except I do think the attraction is still there in the fascist aesthetic, despite all of this. Disney is not nearly distrusted enough. It is exactly the sort of thing that does appeal to the masses. Star Wars, Starship Trooper, and John McCain’s set for his election night party all attest to how much attraction there is, even in the US. I don’t think that contradicts anything you said above really. That said I do think Sontag could be pushed on some of these points, though we don’t have the word allowance to do it here.
It seems to me that “parasite” is an anachronistic proposition. Rather, worms are asexual and they are not individuated: see Karl Steel’s work on the topic, some of it published online at In the (medieval) Middle.I signal this is because the essay is so dependent on etymology and accurate historical reading, and in that context, a mistake would be particularly inopportune.
It would have been interesting to include the readings of the battle of Tours that tell a different story, including the popularizing accounts such as the one included in Francois Reynaert’s Nos ancestries les Gaulois et d’autres fadaises: l’histoire de France sans les clichés (Fayard). And, it would be good to include, in footnotes, short bios (1-2 sentences) of the figures mentioned in the essay.
oops. . .never mind: that was a hoax. Still living.
deploy (present) doesn’t work here since one of them is dead.
There is an unnecessary () around biological. Also, in the last 3 paragraphs, there are a lot of repetitions which should be revised.
should it be “the Jews” or should the be dropped?
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