Publishing, Technology, and the Future of the Academy

Overall Comments

1 Leave a comment on paragraph 1 0 It occurs to me this morning that one of the things that CommentPress doesn’t provide for in its fine-grained commenting structure is a place for wide-ranging discussion of the broader ideas, or the overall progression of those ideas, in the manuscript as a whole. That is to say, while I do still disagree with Ian Bogost about the ability of this kind of local commenting to get at more synthetic, systemic issues in the manuscript, I can nonetheless see the absence of a place to have more general discussion as an issue. Earlier versions of CommentPress had a spot for comments on the entirety of a document, and in the absence of that spot, I’m now opening this thread for whatever comments readers may have that don’t seem to fit elsewhere.

Source: https://mcpress.media-commons.org/plannedobsolescence/2009/09/27/overall-comments/